BCB S.E.R.E. kit CK064
Kit de survie BCB. The S.E.R.E (Survival. Evasion. Resistance. Escape)
Contains 29 essential items packed into a waterproof cover.
This tough and durable cover is manufactured 500D nylon
fabric and incorparates a waterproof zip keeping your kit dry
This tough and durable design also incorporates
a handle and belt loops.
This pouch can be easily stored in a daysack due to its
compact design, perfect for all emergency situations.
- Signalling mirror
- Oxford note pad and pencil
- Folding scissors
- Single edged razor blade
- Cable ties
- White nylon cord 90cm (3ft)
- Nightlight
- Pencil
- Sewing kit
- Gold wire 3.5M (12ft)
- Fishing kit
- Wire saw
- Distress whistle
- Fireball flint and striker
- 1m clear silicon tubing
- Safety pins
- Clear silicon tubing 1M (3ft)
- LED micro torch
- FAK pouch
- Duct tape
- Button compass
- 2 tone camo cream
- Survival instructions
55,20 €
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