Patch Operation Market Garden des années 1944 R8105

Référence : 12346-80 / 442306-8006

Emblème brodé de Market Garden  Fabriqué à partir de 100% de tissu   Patch Operation Market Garden This patch has been specially developed in honor of Operation Market Garden. Operation Market Garden was an allied offensive against Germany in September 1944, towards the end of the Second World War. The operation, characterized by a large deployment of airborne troops to conquer strategic bridges on Dutch territory, was ultimately a failure because the crucial bridge at Arnhem could not be retained. To remind these heroes of this time, Wholesale Van Os Imports has developed a nice assortment of Market Garden & Pegasus products. Van Os Imports has developed the Market Garden / Pegasus products under the Fostex WWII Series brand label.
6,26 €

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